Experiments, Media 1

Experiments with slo-mo

Over the Easter weekend I stayed in Mt Beauty with a group of friends, and on the trip there I decided to play around with my iPhone’s slow-motion video function, which I’ve never really used before.

The result is pretty interesting; even with simple composition and no accompanying music the videos seem to take on an epic quality, which seems to be an inherent attribute of slow-motion footage (no doubt culturally conditioned from watching so many films that use this technique).

I’m not sure if I’ll ever use this technique in my course work (it does look a touch contrived), but it’s fun to experiment with.

Experiments, Media 1

Hello ollo: photographic experiments

I used Project Brief 2 as an excuse to buy myself an Olloclip, a small attachment with four lenses you clip in front of your phone camera that gives you access to a wide angle lens, fisheye lens, and two macro lenses. I took some experimental photos with each lens to see what was possible.


The above was taken from my desk with the fisheye lens – I can’t imagine I’ll find much use for this particular lens but good to know it’s there!


With the 10x macro lens I can see my own fingerprint in detail. (Readers from the future, please don’t steal my identity.)


This is an orchid that sits in my lounge room – looks like it’s a little dirty with the 10x macro lens.


Yep – on closer inspection (15x macro lens) it definitely needs a clean.


One of the shots I’ve chosen for Project Brief 2 will be a close-up of a spinning record player. With the 15x macro lens attached you can actually see the sound waves etched into the vinyl. (And more dust – I really need to clean my house.)
