Assessments, Networked Media

Audio post

This is a track I found on Soundcloud published under a Creative Commons license. The song is “Sock It To Them” by Paul Flint.

There are many ways to post music online. I’ve chosen to post a Soundcloud track because of the ease of embedding it into a WordPress post, but I could have just as easily used music from Bandcamp or even uploaded an audio file directly and presented it to the reader using a media player plugin.

Embedding media poses some interesting questions around ownership and copyright. For example, if the track I posted was a copyright track instead of Creative Commons, am I legally responsible for infringing copyright by posting it to my blog, or is Soundcloud responsible because they made it available in the first place and are hosting the audio file? Or is the person who originally uploaded the infringing track to Soundcloud?

This is another case where it’s best to stick to the public domain, Creative Commons or work I’ve created myself.
