Lectorials, Media 1


Today we were introduced to the Studio system that will define the rest of our participation in the B.Comm (Media) program. Based on what I know of last semester’s Studios this will be an incredible experience, working in medium and large groups on projects throughout the semester. Topics seem to range from highly theoretical / technical subjects to finely focused practical explorations of a single medium.

My main worry is that I’ll probably want to do all of the Studios. When I enrolled in my classes for semester one I had a short list of about 10 electives to choose from and I really agonised over choosing only one to actually enrol in. I even considered turning up to lectures for two or three subjects in the first couple of weeks so I could decide for sure which one I wanted to do.

Obviously this won’t be possible with the Studios, but hopefully over the next five semesters I’ll be able to complete a nice selection of Studios that both appeal to my interests and help to develop my theoretical and practical knowledge.
