Week 6 Group Progress Reflection

This week on Monday we had our first group meeting with Jasmine. Just before the meeting we had decided on a combination of Laura’s Prose and Jackson’s Prose, so this meeting was really valuable for us so that we could have our first discussion r.e major roles as individuals and essentially what we want to create.

  • From our consult we gained the following things:
  • We will all look at trailers and research the location (Warrandyte). 
  • We should be thinking of it not as something to produce, more as an open ending and catering to a trailer, then we can focus on the mood, lighting, sound and space etc.
  • Myself and Laura are in charge of location, filming and editing (The media students) 
  • The script will be written by both Alex and Jackson
  • Sarah is in charge of creating some general research and overseeing the project/stepping in to film/write when needed.


  • Photos of location, montage of trailers that we’re inspired by (a moving mood board) and a working script, concept, thinking at the moment, general approach.
  • Our main question we are asking is – “What are the best elements for making a good thriller?”
  • The roles for our presentation are:Laura and Bonnie= photo montage of location photos, into a powerpointBonnie= movie inspiration clips (moving mood board)Jackson and Alex= writing draft of script 

    Sarah= question, concept, general research.


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