Week 9

As expected Week 9 was a lot busier but a lot more productive! Thursday’s filming proved to be a long haul however with a very good timeline planned out by Simone we managed to (mostly) stick to schedule and produce Episode 1. On that same day we also released the trailer for sketchy students on our Facebook page run by Monique. We didn’t really know what to expect in terms of feedback but overall we were very happy with the way the trailer turned out. I’m so impressed by the dedication of everyone – each managing their own parts to produce this.

We released it on Youtube too – captioned with “An episodic sketch series that uses satire and mockumentary tropes, Sketchy Students explores the real perks of #unilyfe. Getting up close and personal with the class, our expert documentary crew meet the students doing the hard yards of balancing time, study and social media.” I think this is a good summary for the comedic style we are going for.

I myself, this week released a couple of posts on our Instagram:


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