Week 3 – Digital Director

This week we pitched our ideas for Screen Australia. My idea was titled The Real South Side of Melbourne. I think my cover letter does a good job of explaining the concept:

Screen Australia Cover Letter – Bonnie Dunleavy

To whom it may concern,

My name is Bonnie and this is my pitch for Screen Australia. Titled “The Real South Side of Melbourne” it is mimicking the series title “The Real Housewives of Melbourne”.

I am born and raised in the north-east part of Melbourne, and attended an arguably prestigious private school on the south side. I have grown up and been surrounded by some incredibly wealthy people and I feel there is opportunity to capture their lifestyle in a way that doesn’t ridicule them but does show just how ridiculous rich people are. A “spoof” if you will. I am therefore the one responsible for the production of this series.

The thing that has always made me laugh is conversations between two wealthy people – stuff that is common knowledge to them (e.g. everyone having a beach house), is not to everyone else. Suburbs like Brighton, South Yarra, Elwood and Malvern are enormously wealthy.

I was inspired by a number of programs that I have incorporated into my pitch – the very popular Chris Lilley character and series “J’amie King – Private School Girl”. I was also inspired by the early 2000’s movie Hating Alison Ashley – which shows Alison Ashley (a very rich girl) being made to attend a public school.

My series is essentially the reversal of that film – a girl from the north living the lives of the private school elite.

Kind regards,

Bonnie Dunleavy

In terms of the actual pitch I created myself a script to work off. Last year in a studio class we learnt how to write scripts and I thought it’d be a good “refresher” to see if I could still do it.

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I wasn’t very happy with my overall pitch. I liked my idea but the execution of it was pretty amateur but I didn’t have access to anything better than my webcam or iPhone camera for recording. Had this been a more professional pitch I definitely would have put in more effort.

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