Week 11 Cuts // Presentation

Week 11 was largely uneventful on my end, considering the editing process was now in the safe hands of Jackson and Laura.

In our weekly consult with Jasmine on Monday, we discussed shooting and editing, specifically regarding whether we would need to shoot again with just one week before the presentation. We decided that as this is a teaser, it is not an issue that we don’t have every single shot that we set out to get. Part of this process is of course learning about what worked and what didn’t, and as a result we can now reflect on the fact that consolidating our ideas is at times the only option when faced with a deadline.

I think what was most challenging for some of us was having an unfinished teaser. We are so used to filming, writing, etc and having some sort of conclusion. This was something different for us – ending on an unfinished/unresolved point in the narrative. Through going away and thinking about it, I have decided that this is essentially what a thriller teaser/trailer is. It shouldn’t give you everything you need to know – it should leave you wanting more. You could present something that is ten seconds long but gives a glimpse into what the story is about, and your viewer could be left in suspense and wanting answers. That is the beauty of this genre.

Lastly in that meeting we discussed the 15 minute presentation of our entire project. We were told we needed to discuss what the outcomes would be, individual roles, collaboration, scripts and locations shots, tests cut together, the way we approached it, reflections and how we communicated throughout the process.

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