Navigating + Timelines – Week 8

This week in class we discussed the aspects of our pitch that needed improving. The main focus was on the easy navigation on our heavily trans-media narrative. Neeve and I decided on constructing a “Police Database” that will be run by the Williamsville Police Department, which is a fictional town and department that is also the home of both Miranda and Tyler/Joshua.

Essentially this is a collection of evidence that the police have gathered over a five day period, revealing more information and more transmedia elements within our narrative. This will make it exciting for the audience, and add that thriller/suspense aspect we are looking for. The staggered release of posts will be as follows:

  1. Preface the case with a press release – “missing person, any info, contact etc…” also detailing that Miranda was last seen walking around a park in Williamsville.
  2. Found his phone at the scene of the crime in a bin. On the phone there are videos of him watching her (coming home from school, through window etc), photos of Miranda, voice messages from her asking where he is to make his Cat-fishing profile look suspicious and unresponsive.
  3. Found her phone at the scene however, there was water damage so it will need to be recovered a few days later and update the audience with some recovered footage.
  4. Access gained to Miranda’s Facebook account. On this post there will be screenshots of suspicious conversations between Miranda and Tyler. We will also locate a link to her Tumblr website.
  5. The Tumblr website belonging to Miranda will detail her thoughts and feelings towards her budding relationship with Tyler. This will allow audiences to see things from her perspective. We will also show anonymous questions answered about Tyler. There are also posts uncovered about her previous relationship with Joshua.
  6. The recovered information from Miranda’s phone which shows videos of Miranda and her friends playing with the presents from her Ex boyfriend Joshua. There will also be footage from AFTER Miranda realises these things have been stolen.
  7. The final post will be a press release or newspaper article, detailing how Police have found substantial evidence to suggest whodunnit but how Miranda remains missing. This is how the narrative will conclude in the “Exhibition”.

Below is the timeline of when Neeve and I will be releasing information under the Police Database:


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One final note is that we really wanted to incorporate some more of the things we have learnt in class into our story. We believe that we have placed things in a Non-linear pattern, which links to the TED talks video week when we learnt about how to tell a story.

Our homework for this week is to create the Tumblr page for Miranda, and the Police Database page.

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