What a time for this to surface, to justify my answer to the question posed in last week’s symposium. I woke this morning and checked my Twitter as per usual, and was immediately exposed to a topless Jennifer Lawrence. I am a massive J-Law fan and this made me feel sick to my stomach to think that someone would post this of her against her will.

Upon further research I discovered that Jennifer was among many women who had personal photos leaked on the internet this morning. I was sent a link of all the women and their photos;shd2lbv4ab7ch4y7ts3c

People rush to say “celebrity” photos but at the end of the day they’re just women like anyone else, and I don’t think anyone deserves to have their own privacy violated like this. I find it honestly disgusting that photos have just been lined up, so that the sick-minded can view them all at once.

Internet is a dangerous place.

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