Week5 lecture/reading

(credit from: https://pics.me.me/kids-interrupt-live-bbc-interview-16242214.png)

(Sorry but I can’t help using this meme, ha!)

I would rather submit 10 self portrait videos than to interview someone.

I am not a dominant person and do not consider myself good at being an interviewer. A conversation terminator would be more suitable to describe who I am.

I found it useful to know about the 5 Ws that was mentioned by the lady from ABC:  Where what who when why. The difference between pb2 and pb3 are, interviewing is not about yourself, but your interviewee. Briefing, like interpreting, is a good idea to help the interviewee to get prepared of what you are going to ask and what kind of direction you want it to go.

I found asking interview questions difficult, it is not as easy as I have thought. It has to be non-biased, neutral questions, can neither imply positive or negative answers, plus they have to be open ended.

It is interesting to learn ‘the noddie’, that is often seen on television interviews like 60 minutes or The current affairs.


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