Wk2 initiative-finding media

We were told to go to the corner of Victoria Street x Lygon Street, and record what kind of media we have found.

(I really wished I had my sunnies with me, I usually wear them but forgot when we have task this week, ironic!)

Big banner hanging up on building, the big colourful banner on a cream building is hard to miss.

Advertisement posters

Advertisement at bus station

Magazine covers

Flag in the air for Melbourne Fashion Festival

In our hands:
We used Facebook to keep in contact with our new friends and google map to find our way. We have been using our mobile phone as cameras to take photos for this task.

It makes me realise how much time we spend on our mobile phones today and missing out on these daily media surrounding us. I think this also explains why most companies chose to do online promotions than to use the more traditional way.

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