Week 2 activity-Blog questions

  1.  Were you nervous about presenting your work?
    Hell yes?! My classmates’ work are so professional that mine seemed so ‘homemade’.
  2. What kind of feedback did you get?
    They suggested that next time I can try shooting from a different angle, to involve more of something else rather than just me doing all the talking, and can try to make it less vlog like.
  3. Was the feedback useful?
    Certainly. It’s always good to listen what other people think and get a different perspective other than myself’s.
  4. What is the most difficult about the process and why?
    It is very difficult to criticize other people’s work because it feels bad to criticize something that you know they have put so much effort into it. It’s just not my personality to say bad thing about other people.
  5. How might you get better at this hat system over time?
    I think when we have more time learning more things from this course, we might be able to appreciate or to pick up something that we didn’t really notice the first time from a media perspective kind of view. To be able to use more professional ‘media language’ and in my case, to be more comfortable telling people what I don’t like about their work.
  6. What might be a good way to separate the moments of receiving feedback and actually evaluating it and doing something with it?
    Do not be offended when you hear critizism, write it down or type it in your computer, then look again when you are not at school. Remember your feedback and try to do something different on your next project.
  7. Is it worth reflecting on the feedback both close to the experience and a bit further on?
    Yes, you may have a different perspective when you reflect on the feedback at another time.

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