About me

Hello, my name is Bonita, Bonnie for short. I’m originally from Hong Kong. This is my 16th year in Melbourne and I’ve just started my first year of Bachelor of Communication at RMIT University.

I am a single mom to 7 year-old Caitlin.

I work as an Chinese interpreter when I don’t have class. I am mostly based on Austin Health hospital, but sometimes I will work somewhere else, like Maternal Child Health centres, VicRoads, home visits etc., wherever they need me 🙂

I chose Media because I am interested in understanding how all the background production works. I am hoping to seek another career other than being an interpreter. At the moment I hope to become a subtitler, because it is like combining Media and translation into one professional. However I may chance my mind after I have completed my degree.

Thanks for stopping by and I hope you like my blog.

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