IM- Week 1

Integrated media:
I am still somewhat confused as to what this subject means, where it is going, what will happen, what is expected. Even after reading through the course guide I am somewhat apprehensive as I know that in previous years I have struggled using software to develop and produce anything.

What I took from the lecture is that
-relations as an idea needs to be investigated
-something that is often overlooked is our relationship to media and the relationship of media to itself
– korsakow can be very ubiquitous and everyday, not necessarily having or needing content that has been meticulously planned and is convoluted. It is about “repetition and rhythms” which are music based with an emphasis on making a film ‘poetic’.

I am looking forward to seeing how this semester progresses, what I will learn and what I will be able to take away, both knowledge and technical abilities, and use throughout my studies and possibly, throughout life.

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