This reading is, without a doubt a metaphor of not only the network, but also the journey we, as media students, are faced to endure. Adrian’s lyricism is a nice read, but we can go further and decode his poetic piece- which I think was his intention anyway. So here is my attempt at doing so.
Our blog will be at times disordered and “disheveled”, there are no rules (a sail in this case), however, there are set tasks that are to be done each week (so instead of a sail, a mast carries these ventures and tasks). Our ideas and thoughts that we choose to write about, follow and often depend on “breeze, currents, [and] wave[s]”. Sometimes, these ideas are blurred, hard to grasp, and it may be difficult to find a starting point (the ideas may get “blown or washed around”). Other times, the words come easily as a result of prior knowledge or interest of ideas (a breeze that we are familiar with). There are no boundaries or cutoff points ( a shore), and we are surrounded by an avenue-being the internet, in which there are infinite possibilities ( an ocean). Each wave (media student) is unique, and has the power and opportunity to “make a difference”, but more than that, they have the ability to leave a sort of footprint. Every student is individual, thus promising for each blog to be different, with different concepts and takes on ideas. This gives for contrasting responses to given readings or tasks, and these variations are the “contours and currents” in this space of infinite prospects. (Hopefully), you find a fascination, an urge to learn more about something or someone, so you begin your quest (dip your oar), and realise your enjoyment in seeing where you are taken- a place that you previously never thought you would go to.
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