Did the horrible thing of typing my whole post into the ‘add new post’ page, not saving, and doing that annoying back page swipe on my Mac. (The one time I need that ‘are you sure you want to close this page pop-up, is the one time it doesn’t come up). So I am now writing quickly under the knowledge that is filled within my insufficient memory ok GO.


I missed week seven’s tutorial, though as we were working on project brief four I was able to meet with my partner on Tuesday and catch up. I don’t have anything profound to say (not that I ever do), so I thought I would give a quick update into the final project brief as I have not yet done. So following on this weird theme that has kind of established itself in exploring my thought process through this blog, here is how my mind initially reacted to the prompt: institutions. 

I think I know what a media institutions are. If I hover my cursor over the word -right click – select synonyms, is comes up with a list of organisations, establishments, foundations. So institutions are restricted to things like SBS and Rupert Murdoch? Like associations of media? Wrong! Well not wrong, but not right. According the Brian, institutions are not limited to this definition, and are also the ‘customs of the industry’. I know this. We did institutions in year 12 media… should have taken better notes. Brian used the example of institutions of cinema. The plush red chairs. The dark room. The smell of popcorn. The annoying person trying to open there bag of chips in a quietest of moments. The way we view movies and institutions of cinema. So research is needed to cement my understanding, because its broad. There is not really an element of a median that isn’t an institution. We have decided to look at the institutions of television, so I must begin my research by binge watching some of the new episodes of Game of Thrones, and observing the institution of my living room. 

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