This week we focused on editing. We spent most of our class time in the editing suites, cutting and fixing our footage. We had to work on the green screen footage as found a single colour key was having too much of an effect. It is quite easy to remove the entire background, it is just the edges that we have to work around. I have found that adding multiple keys seems to work and have used a change colour effect to get the reflecting light and change it to another colour. The footage is not supposed to be hiding the fact that it was shot on a green screen, but I think that leaving these small edges and the reflecting like makes the final shots look unpolished. These small touches really make a difference to the quality of the work. I think the process of using a green screen has really improved my effects editing ability. Using multiple layers and stacking the same effect is something I have not done before but I feel it is working quite effectively.
One of the tasks that comes with editing is finding the right music. When I edit I usually pick the music first and base my cuts and process off the sound. Asha and Mimi, however, are keen to start editing and source the music in later stages of editing. I think its good for me to trial this different form as it is may prove to be better for the overall structure of the film, as cutting will be based off the images rather than the sounds.