I don’t think I have written a single long or fluent sentence since the end of last semester. I haven’t picked up a camera either – mine broke filming my last studio project just before summer break and has since been gathering dust on my desk as I gather up the courage (and the money) to spend $500 to repair it. Because of the expense I have worked a lot over the summer and done nothing but. Retail becomes pretty dry and uninspiring, so I am excited for this semester! I am excited to be around video cameras and around passionate people.
I have been placed in the studio ‘Ways of Making’ with Paul Ritchard. The studio boasts “an Alternative Approach to the Production of Film” and will focus on the conception, development and production processes of filmmaking. I am really interested in developing and improving the way in which I create.
I think that with this course I will inherently enhance my levels of media professionalism. I do not have much (if any) experience using ‘high end’ equipment – I am used to shooting on my SLR with the built in microphone. I understand the concepts of exposure and white balance etc. but I don’t know how to professionally execute them in a filmmaking environment. Post-production is also important for me this semester. Everything I know about editing, grading and such is self-taught and I am not the best teacher either. I work untidily and pretty much make things up as I go. I think that it is important that from this course I improve upon the way in which I work and the way in which I present my work.
I want to improve myself and learn to engage myself.