On Monday all the members of Team STeve came over to my house to start filming on location. I live at an establishment in Preston called The Bank, which literally was an old bank building. As such it has plenty of space for us to film, and I think all the shooting went really really well!
In only a few hours we shot more mockumentary scenes, a drama scene and a slasher horror scene. I was acting in most of them which was awkward because I was wearing no makeup and in no way ready to be filmed. But it was a great day with great outcomes.
One of the best products was that we fully went to town with the mockumentary scenes, even though none of us had written anything more. So it became almost fully improvised – we would think of a conflict or point of action, allocate characters and then act it out without scripting.
I think this was the most exploratory we’ve gotten with our writing process and it felt like we’d crossed some kind of threshold. We filmed about four scenes for the mockumentary on Monday, pretty much enough footage to put into a proper half-hour TV pilot.
I think the location of the shoot was pretty perfect. It’s hard when it’s your own kitchen to see why other people think it would make a good set, but after looking at the footage it does work really well.
Here is one of the scenes from Monday, the drama sequence that Dylan wrote and edited: