Week 8- Online Videography

I was quite interested and intrigued by Ryle’s unique and creative slow motion videos she produces. She begins by Illustrating pictures then puts it all together, then finally adding in animation to create an interesting effect for the short video 15 second video. I decided to chose this slow motion video because the bridge featured below is the Brooklyn Bridge. I was there last year and America had a big impact and influence on me, I loved travelling and exploring all over the state. Brooklyn bridge certainly being a highlight for me. In addition, Rachel’s videos quite frequently appears on my Instagram explore page and I always try and stay updated with the new content she publishes, as in each short video she is always expanding and exploring her creativity.


 Who is the practitioner (What is their name and their (Instagram handlebar?”and when were they practicing?

The practitioners name is Rachel Ryle, she is based in Brooklyn, New York where she has a studio there. Her handlebar for her Instagram account is as follows: https://www.instagram.com/rachelryle/. Through out Rachel’s entire life she has always had a great passion and love for exploring her creativity. Her passion for crafts and different creations has inspired and influenced her work. While this has been a passion of hers for some time, it wasn’t until July of 2013 that she decided to pursue her ambitions for illustrating and animating. Since she posted her first short animation video, she received worldwide support from viewers who loved her content produced.

With the Video you are examining when was it produced?

This Slow motion animation video was produced on the 13th February, 2016 and gave viewers a visual representation of the climate in New York during that time, snowy and cold.


How was the Video authored and published?

Roughly 12 hours of illustrating for this content, followed by two hours of set design and then 3 hours of filming with the use of a camera (the exact type of camera she used is unknown) & editing to finalise the piece. Finally, after this long process of creation it was then uploaded on her instagram account for her 1 Million+ followers to view.

How was the Video distributed?

This short video featured on her website, as well as being posted on her Instagram account. She is an award winning Illustrator as well as an animator.  Having been awarded with the #1 Instagram account to follow by MTV & BuzzFeed, this allowed her to expand her target audience, creating more awareness for her work.

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