This lesson we wrote 40 seconds of screenplay for a french short film we have been focussing on in class.
The task was simple for me. I have no idea if what i did was right, but this is it for critique.
” She walks down the road, following her favourite route.Deliberately taking the time to herself, in the fresh air. Following the lip of the path like she did as kid, placing her feet one by one in front of each other.
As she enters the tube, she is dwarfed by the escalator and the structure, so much so she i looking wide eyed. A couple making out on the passing escalator are making their love for each other known to everyone in the station. She looks at them, then her eyes follow the tunnel to where she’ll be getting off the escalator.
Superstitiously, she gets on the train, right foot first.”
I approached Stacy for comment after class because I felt like it was too “novel-esque.” I think moving forward this will be something to work on.