My method of working part 7

A couple of thoughts have occurred to me, If i am aiming to break down my own preconceptions of decoupage then to eliminate any possible conscious or unconscious tendencies, I should have someone else set the obstructions for me.

I was thinking if I should remake a scene such as the perfect human, or if I should remake my own scene. to do this  Lets weigh up the pros and cons

– Own scene –

Pros: new interpretation, full creative control (possibly a con?), parameters could be more manageable even though parameters may vary from obstruction to obstruction (location, actors. etc)

Cons: don’t want to write own script, previous films do not have enough development/layers, distinct lack of films to use.

– Other scene, The Perfect Human –

Pros: don’t have to create a script, developed concepts which can be reinterpreted,

Cons: Will be compared to original(possibly a pro), will have inherit preconceptions (which are more defined than my own),


The scene needs to be exploring a notion or concept rather than been restricted to a dramatic situation because dramatic situations have preconceived

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