ACP is a sci-fi, action narrative that follows an agent, who goes by the codename Jack, working for a covert security agency known as ACP. We follow Jack as he crosses the globe collecting the body parts of an ancient Egyptian God, Osiris, which have been scattered and hidden throughout our world. As the story progresses, we discover that ACP are not the only covert organisation searching for the remains of Osiris and we join Jack as he uncovers the truth behind this rapidly evolving mystery.
The story is told via an online wiki page containing text, image, sound and video. This wiki page serves as the secure database of ACP – which only the organisation’s employees can access – containing reports, documents, artefacts, etc from the organisation. The audience can access the website as though they’re ACP employees living in the story world – or rather, the story is happening in their world. A log in access system will be in place which requires an ACP employee username and password, effectively giving the audience a real employee profile within the organisation. The audience guides themselves through the narrative, exploring the ‘secure documents’ and ‘official reports’ in as much or as little depth as desired. By exploring the maze of reports (which a published across a period of weeks), a story forms and the audience can track the events as they happen in real time.
I’ve taken a forward role, leading the group and keeping the overall project on track. We each have our strengths however it has thus far proven difficult to get tasks completed promptly. Therefore I have had to stay on top of the project and the group to make sure we all know what needs to be done and when it needs to be done by.
Of course I’ll also be writing reports, contributing ideas and creating documents, images and sound recordings to upload to the site. I’ve also been completing a lot of the behind-the-scenes work and documentation that we need to complete in order to move forward with the assignment.
Moving forward we hope to create a more complex, involved and interactive narrative. As the reports are periodically published on a database which the audience guides themselves through, the story can feel more authentic and centred within the audience’s world – almost as though these are real events happening in real time.
We will be adding a plethora of reports to the site (both directly related to the particular story we’re telling and those that are less connected) and we’ll delve deeper into the back-stories and textual references to provide depth to the narrative. As suggested by the panel at our pitch, we’ll also look into creating a system which requires the audience to ‘unlock’ new reports and story updates by completing challenges and tasks.