HTML test prep

With HTML test coming up in this week’s tut, I thought I’d go over what we’ve learnt thus far about coding.

If I wanted to make a web page I could code the following:



<h1>Le Heading</h1>

<img src=”URL”>

<strong>THE END.</strong>



Or I could code:



<h1>Hi Everybody</h1><br>

<a href=> Networked Media</a>



Both of these sets of codes could be used to make a web page. Both would be very basic and if I’m honest both would be somewhat boring, be despite this, this coding “language” or sorts could create a simple web page. And each page would be different because each set of coding instructions is slightly different.

Each little bit of code stands for something different, for example <i> = italics and <h1> = heading. Furthermore, when you end a section of code, or a specific instruction, you need to use a /. For example  the </i> in the code for <i>link</i> and </body> at the end of the entire set of coding.

While this whole coding language is still pretty new and unclear to me, hopefully I now know enough to pass the HTML test. Fingers crossed!

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