I will have order!
Not to sound like Professor Umbridge from Harry Potter (although I am very pleased to get my very first Harry Potter reference into this blog), our world has a lot of order, structure and as Adrian discussed in the lecture, we are governed by time.
He talked about schools being like factories, in that they have set rules, standards and expectations. Students are divided into levels or grades by age, learn at the same pace and ability, despite the preference of each student.
It made me think back to my high school experience, where in Year 7 we were forced to learn English, Maths, Science, P.E, Music, Religion, Indonesian and Drama. Each subject was graded, weighted equally in our end of year report. Although we had no choice in what subjects we picked.
For me personally, I was terrible at Maths, Drama and Music and the pressure to keep these subjects that I was not good at, at the same standard as the subjects I was good at and enjoyed was frustrating and disheartening at times.
When I got to VCE, I had a lot more flexibility in the subjects that I selected and it was clear that I enjoyed what I was doing and that reflected in my grades. Today’s lecture definitely gave me some food for thought.