IntJobs Week #5


11882284_729698580468347_8757313360589793632_oIt’s Week 5 and the group’s progress is on par. The multitalented Aki has completed a campaign design, which means that the social media crew can begin pushing out content for students to discover. As seen on the image above, the group has also begun filming the promo video directed by Angus. More information on that soon.

On my end, I’ve spoken with my contact Josh McNicol about potentially speaking for us and he seems keen about the idea. Although he doesn’t have a conventional “international job” I sold the idea to him of working with foreign clientele and assimilating with varied cultures rather than finding jobs abroad. He said he can also recommend someone to me who’s currently working in the Australian Ballet, but has had experience working in China and I think Europe (?)

I’ve also contacted Adam Smith, who is based in Miami as the Executive Director of Social Responsibility and Public Affairs at the Laureate Universities. He’s also a connection of mine, but I was initially apprehensive to approach him as 4 PM Skype/FaceTime session in Melbourne will be 2 AM in Miami for him. But the great thing about him is his story. He didn’t have a traditional education in communications and forged his career by networking and hard work. He’s told me he will check his schedule and get back to me soon, but if he’s unable to do it, he can recommend someone he knows who’s based in Melbourne.

My only concern about these potential speakers, and also something which Vicson has spoken to me about, is their careers’ focus on communications rather than media. According to the Facebook poll we shared on the media pages, there is more interest on media graduates to invest in a career within film and television production, which is nothing to be surprised about given our course. On this case, I must cater for our audience’s interest and continue to look for people with established careers in production overseas.