Writing for Film, Filming for Writing

This semester, and coincidentally also the final semester of my course, I’ve chosen to take a class in screenwriting. The idea behind this class and the play on words for its name, is that those who are in Media 4 (like me) would be tasked with the writing aspect of production, which the students from the Creative Writing course would be in charge of. This is, in a way, ironic considering my background in making short films that stems from my days in high school. But my motive behind choosing this class is not to take the easy route (if there’s such a thing in university), but to correct any wrong practices I have when it comes to writing, as well as to perfect my craft in the best way possible. Even though I may not necessarily see a path in front of me towards the direction of a film career, I believe that this is an exceptional method for me to hone my skills in subtlety and emotive expression through writing. By utilising the references that I have through my tutors, Paul and Jasmine, I can hopefully increase my capacity to write against constraints like time and client demand, whereas my past written work have all just been for me. 

The prospect of collaboration with both people in my class as well as students from the Creative Writing field also sounds appealing. This is certainly something to look forward to in the real world (or for us Media 6 students, in a couple of months), particularly within the creative field. Hopefully, in conjunction with my Media 6 course, I would be able to open up to my colleagues and make connections that I can count on in the near future.

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