It’s out there somewhere


After a couple weeks of working part-time, I could fee that I have been a little bit lost with my assignments and I also find it quite difficult to find inspirations and motivations to keep up with my project. However, I’m not going to let working stop me since it is what everybody has to face in their lives.

So I decided to find inspiration just like how I loved to do since I wasn’t in university, which is watching creative videos, reading, and looking at well-shot pictures to see if there is something that I can use in my project. Then, I went back to the laundromats I liked from last time then started shooting. I found that the creativity and motivation don’t come right away, sometimes, you have to start working even though you don’t feel like it, then they will come and that’s when you’re unstoppable. I recorded some videos and find that it’s interesting when I include people in there, not just the fabric in the machine swirling.

I also got an idea that maybe it’s better to not only rely on editing to make the differences between colours but also find different places with various of colours, or even different kind of machines to differ something. Furthermore, I will also play around with movement and sound at the laundromat to see if it makes any difference and if it helps the film.I’m glad that my project is inspiring and fun again. I hope it will keep me going and always make inspiring work in the future.