The presentation



After the presentation and a whole lot of research and preparation, I am really confident with my ideas and hopefully it will turn out as I expected or even better.

I listened to other students in the class and it’s really interesting how everybody has their own project that they all approach in different ways and they all have various different goals. I found it helpful for me to listen and watch them presenting in order to guide me the best way to deliver my ideas well and interestingly. A lot of projects in the class inspires me, because they are really creative in many different ways. They also encouraged me in a way that I want to do more and better and also made me believe that my experiment would work out how I planned.

After receiving the feedback and others’ ideas, it is true to say that I took my experiment too seriously by thinking that it will always work. I have to keep it in mind that an experiment doesn’t always work out the way they’re expected, however, it also doesn’t mean that it is a waste of time to test something. I learned that it is better to go with the flow and to believe in the project itself no matter what it will turn out. I’m planning of doing more research and deciding if I should still shoot one place or more in order to make it more interesting and also to give it a little bit of a variety.

Overall, I am still excited to do this project and see how it will be. I hope this will show how colours are able to tell a story and also express particular feelings as it’s meant to.

What we did in class


After i went to class this afternoon, I have learned a lot about how acting and filmmaking from the class. It amazed me how talented and focused the actors and actresses have to be in order to finish their work. And also, it is actually quite fun and interesting being a part of the process while filming.

Firstly, Paul showed us what the director would say and how everything is done before the actual action. There are a lot of steps and talking while preparing. Also, I was quite surprised how close the microphones have to be to the actors to make the sound clear and perfect for the film. In the beginning, I was the camera, my job was to capture the right angle in the right time and also try to avoid the microphones above the actors. I found it quite challenging, which is surprising because I thought it would be easy. Trying to capture the moment in the right time and also to follow with the flow, story and the feelings in the film isn’t as easy as I thought it would be. However, after a few times of trying and changing from here and there, I understood better of how it’s done and also feel more confident with the camera.

I also found that it’s really difficult to not only remember the lines as an actor but also to understand the given situation from the director.

Overall, I am impressed by what we all did in the class. I could see that everybody was a little confused at first by what they had to say and what to do but after a little bit of practice, we got better.