Angles and monitors


In class this week, Paul showed us Mad Men scenes then we copied a scene from the movie to learn about the angles and composition in filmmaking.

The new thing for this class was the monitor. Now, all the confusions about filmmaking is slightly gone as I know what monitors are for. It is so much easier to have monitors to show the cameras’ angles since we had three camera shooting. However, the monitor in my group didn’t work due to the battery, I assume. So we ended up shooting only with two cameras with different angles and focussing on two different people.

It was completely fascinating by how challenging it is for a beginner like me to set the cameras where they should be and also to be able to avoid other cameras to be in the frame. Also, for me, one of all the fun parts was when we tried to tell Gabe and Justin to move camera up and down to get the framing right. I have learnt that changing angle a little bit and effect the whole scene and even the feeling in the scene. It can change the audience’s perspectives as well.

Admittedly, it is challenging to get the framing and composition right when there’s so much going on such as audio, other cameras, acting, and also to not make the audience get confused by the cameras’ angles.