Alone together / PB3

It was a great experience to be able to work in an environment I had never been in before. It was interesting to see how other people have their own kind of hobby and activity. Squishface studio showed me so much how drawing can be such a fun thing to do. I’ve always been interested in drawing but never really thought of doing it for living. However, those people that I met from the studio actually do it for living. They actually love what they are doing. They don’t make it like it’s a job, it is not a job when you do what you passionate about. That is what great about it. Ben, the guy who owns the place said that he just wanted a studio that welcomes everybody who likes the same thing. A place to share and create. Admittedly, the studio is already welcoming for some reason, it has got the cozy vibes in the air.

It wasn’t so easy to photograph at first as the room was quite small, which makes it limited for me to change the angle. However, the longer I stayed, I discovered more angles. My aim is to deliver the feeling of how cozy and welcoming, yet the comfort of silence through the photograph. I am more than happy with how all the photos turned out just how I wanted. I normally process my photos in cold tone, however in order to get the cozy feeling, I processed all the photos in warm tone this time, which works really well. There wasn’t much to do with the processing part as the lighting was already good. I made the saturation and the vibrant of the colour a little bit lower to calm the whole tone of the photos. Making the photos grainy also helps.

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