Introducing Elie Jonathan @visionelie

As this week’s task for us is to find a photographer that inspires us and my first photographer that came to my mind as I was exploring photographers’ accounts on instragram was Elie aka @visionelie. Elie Jonathan is a photographer from Toronto. His style of photos is unique and powerful. He does a lot of portraits, architecture, and candid and so much more. What I have always been interested in isn’t only the art of photography but also how you can turn that into something quite commercial in a way. As I always am passionate about how art can be developed into something commercial and be able to show the beauty to society.

In an interview from VICEElie states that his aesthetic is ‘urban’ as he’s based in Toronto and he wants to portray the lifestyle and the vibe of the city through his photos as that. Elie also says that what he’s trying to show isn’t the lifestyle of people in general but mostly the lifestyle or as he states “the interests of my (his) generation.”

What I like the most about his style is that he representation the vibe of the generation, the fashion, especially streetwear, and the tone of the photos. Most of his photos are in cool tone, which is my favourite, or my kind of tone I always go for when I do photography. He uses really high contrast, separating black and white dramatically. However, he tends to edit his picture in monotone, which means most of his photos are mainly in calmer, cooler tone with slight difference between colours. They are also quite grainy, which, again, is what I like.

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