Is this going to work?


As I have come across the idea of putting voice over my project to make it more interesting and to take it another level, I had a little doubt in my head whether this is going to work or not. At first, I used a conversation between Clementine and Joel from a movie Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless mind, then I found a voice over by Alan Watts, where he talks about the mind. There is one line where he says “That is a vicious circle”, it suits perfectly with my film since there are some scene of the laundry swirling that represents the circle Alan is talking about.

Then, in class, I showed my work to Paul and he said that the voice over may be so empowering that the audience would recognise the voice and the story instead of my genuine work, which is the image, the movement, and colours. I went home and tried to figure out what I can do to make the voice over better, I honestly want to use Alan Watts’s voice because it is really powerful and works with my film perfectly in every single way, it is just fantastic but what Paul said was right and the voice over can take over my real project. So, I am fixing it by making it more music, and less voice to the voice over.

I’m also working on colour grading, and as I have been working on it for a while, I am more confident about it now. I know what colour it will be, how a certain colour will create a certain look and feeling. So now, what I have to work on is the voice part.

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