Uses of photography

Throughout the course, with all the practices, exercises, and learnings, I find myself enjoying portrait photography the most. Before this course, I only worked on video editing, never really got a chance to work on still images. However, this course made me interested in this field, even more than filmmaking for some reason. I find myself, most of the time, enjoying the course and think that time flies when I’m working on my projects. The images tell stories. No words needed. It is fascinating to be learning all the techniques and skills. However, I find it more enchanting to be able to find the right angle, with the right timing. It is challenging, yes. But It is worth the time to spend on to get that perfect angle, lighting, and timing.

Portrait is fascinating for me in terms of how your own kind of perspective can portray somebody through the photographs. My most favourite project was the one that we had to make a photo book as it has to be a theme. How to make all the photos that you take from different places, for different people and with different lighting to be in the same theme, showing the same mood can be quite challenging. But at the same time, I find it fun to work on it and trying to get it right.

What inspires me from the course is basically how one image can tell a lot of stories or the personality of the person in the frame. To be able to make the photos look enchanting is extremely challenging, as myself who prefers outdoor kind of photography, there will always be something getting in the way, like a pole or a sign, the colour that just doesn’t go with the whole thing. The storytelling project brief showed me a lot how photos can communicate. However, the right angle and the right timing is extremely important as it can miscommunicate as well.

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