Feedback from the panels

As it was quite clear to all the panels of what I would like to explore and do for my photo book, the feedback I got the most is that try to keep in mind it is a photo book that is mainly about photography, the skills, and creativity. Drawing on top of the photos is creative, however, it might overlap the fact that I am more focused on the photos themselves, not so much of the drawing. One of the panel saw the photo I took for my project brief 2, which was a photo of one of my models at the rooftop car park. It was one of my best shots among them all. She mentioned about the manner and the mood out of that photo and how it is the best among all the photos I put on the slides, where the other two photos are basically the example from other artists, the idea of what I would like to do for the book. She said that I should stick with the style, just like the one she likes. I agreed with her as it is something I find I enjoy doing the most, however, as I am still new in this field, I would rather experiment and explore as much as possible to figure what I am best at and what I have to improve in order to get better. I chose to stick with the idea of the combination of illustration with the photographs, but I won’t over-draw the photos so that the quality of the photos will still show out as much as possible.

As Brian also mentioned during the presentation that my style is usually gives a bit of fashion sense in the photographs and wondering if I would stick to it for the book, then I wanted the photos to be more of action shots. However, no matter how much I tried, I still find myself taking the photos in fashion style, so I decided to continue with it. Also, I would still stick with how I like to take candid kind of portrait to give the sense of natural feels.

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