More ideas

In this week’s class, we got to discuss more about the ideas of what we would like to do for our photo books. On Tuesday, we had a presentation, basically talking about the ideas, pitching the goals and how we will design the whole book. As I have mentioned in the previous post that I would like to put combination of both illustration and photography together, it was quite obvious that the illustration part might take over the main goal, which is the show my interest and aesthetic in photography. Having said that, I have to keep in mind that the drawing should be minimal and tying not to let it overcome the beauty of photography.

Another challenging aspect I’ll be facing is to put all the photos together for the book and make them compliment each other. To stick with the theme, as well as to keep the mood of the photos. My goal is also to play with a lot of white, or space, between the photos, so that it could bring out the photographs and the illustration more.

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