Jessica Lake’s article

In the article, Jessica Lake talks about whether it is okay or not to photograph strangers or random people on the street and publish it. As she mentions that some people find it ‘violating and sickening’ to be taken photos of from some strange photographers on the street. There was even a protest in Brisbane against street photographers stopping them to photograph ‘unwanted and embarrassing’ photos of people. In my opinion, it is such a debatable issue as I find it okay to photograph people in the street as I see it as one kind of art in photography. However, at the same time, it might not be as acceptable, since if somebody randomly takes a photo of me, I might find that weird as can perhaps be violating as i don’t know who they are and why would take want to take a photo of me.

Having said that, I think it is okay to photograph people on the street, however, it is better to ask for their permission so that both sides come to an agreement that it is okay.

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