WEEK 2 – colour theory


As I am already interested in design and media, I went deeper to the importance of colours to media and filmmaking. Nowadays, colours are effective and powerful how we perceive the film and characters. According to Lewis Bond, who creates a documentary about the history of colour and how colour has become a big part of filmmaking.

In my point of view, colours are really important in terms of delivering emotions and effects. In graphic design, black represents mystery, power and elegance. However, in filmmaking, colours can represent something different basically depending on how the media want to show it. Furthermore, according to the video, it is fascinating how people, as audience, subconsciously use different colours to associate with different characters.

There are three key elements to any colour, which are hue, saturation, and value:
Hue – the actual colours such as red, green, blue etc.
Saturation – the intensity of the colour
Lastly, value – the brightness or the amount of white in colour, low value means the colour is darker than the higher value colour.


Also, I have learned that colour schemes are extremely important when it comes to filmmaking and colour theory. In the video, Lewis Bond, as well, gives examples of types of colour schemes and how they work. There are four main kinds of colour schemes, which are monochromatic, analagous, complementary, and triadic. Filmmakers use these schemes to make the films effective and emotional.

Throughout the video, it is really interesting and fascinating how colours can be effective and influential. From the example Lewis Bond gives about a movie – Blue is the Warmest Colour – using blue to express the emotions of the lead actress, it shows that the audience assume the emotions subconsciously. However, this leads me to the question whether filmmakers and directors mean to use colours to express feelings or it’s just Bond’s thing about colour theory.


Furthermore, Lewis Bond also shows us that the colours are not only based on the colour of the scenes, it can be anything; clothing, wall of the room, anything. This documentary gives me clearer idea of how designs, colours, and cinematography are important and influential to films. Colours can also differentiate the characters whether they are bad or good as well. Therefore, in order to express the feelings effectively, it is best to use the colours properly. It is one of the fun parts in filmmaking to learn and use, as I am interested in designing, colours are really important and can actually effect people’s feelings and emotions as Lewis believes. However, using wrong sort of elements and colours can give the audience a wrong idea and emotions.

Overall, from this video, I’ve learned that colours play one of the important roles in filmmaking and in order to make the audience engage, it is a good mechanism to use. Hopefully, I’ll be able to use these colour schemes in filmmaking and enhance the skills and interest in design and media together to create a piece of art.


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