
I assumed that most of you have watched the latest series of Fast Furious, Fast 7. It was a great ones and it also left me wonder, how can a great director such as James Wan creates such a masterpiece?

Daniel today speaks about causality, which also known as the cause and effects of a story. Causality is the idea that one event causes another, and that in turn causes another and so on. He then broke the idea of ‘causality’ in narrative media down into three parts: plot, resolution and character development. These are the three importance elements in a storytelling.

If you one of the movies geeks, you must have aware that the climax is always towards the ends, and it is pretty obvious. Just imagine a movies starts with a climax, I am pretty sure it will get boring towards the end, depending on how the director narrates the movies. For instance, in Shawshank Redemption, the movies starts with how Andy ended up being in a prison. He then met with Red and several prisoners. This is what we called as character development. The story went on and how the director plays with the plots left the triggered to know the resolution of the story. Resolution is basically what happens in the entire movies.

Narrating a movies is not an easy job. Yes, everyone can create a story but what makes the movies beautiful is how it is done and how can it relate the audiences with the message want to be delivered.

p/s : James Wan is a Malaysian and he is a RMIT graduates!


Lectorial #4

Interesting and informative I must say. We had some sort of an editing game in lectorial week 4 the other day. What basically we need to do in a group of 3 or 3 is to create a narrative by using only 5 cards. The tricky and interesting part is when we need to narrate using 5 cards at first. then add a ‘turning point’ by replacing a cards to either cards number 2,3, or 4 and each one of it are moveable. And lastly, we need to create another introduction and conclusion.



My personal opinion is, most of the editor are the creative ones. I mean, I seriously had some trouble when we asked to add the ‘turning point’ cards. It just a simple plots, but as an editor who edit thousand of artworks, they really need to be creative and critically thinking as they need to think what the readers or audiences think about when they read or see certain artworks.

So yeah, credits to all the creative thinker out there!

Lectorial #3

“You are wrong if you think that the joy of life comes principally from the joy of human relationships.”

Christopher McCandless, Into The Wild (2007)


Have you ever wonder how wonderful and beautiful world is? Have you ever traveled to some place just to experience what it looks like and how different people from different place can treat you?

Kyla Brettle, one of the lecturers in Media course in RMIT were invited into our lectorial today. I found it interesting to listen to what she had deliver entitled ‘Entering Other World’. Being in other’s place, other’s environment, other’s culture can be a life changing experiences, as she said. I personally believe that being in others can shape up our life and the way we think. I traveled to United State of America back in 2008 when I was 18 years old and what I can say is it is totally worth it. The experiences i gained through out a year there was something unforgettable. Being in totally new world, I explore something which I don’t even know before. Give and take, being honest and try to learn what other side of the world can offer to you. I mean, if you want to learn something, go explore. Discover new thing is not something bad instead you will be amaze with what the world could offer.

She advices :

  • Explore something you don’t know
  • Observe yourself
  • Observe on location
  • Become one with technology
  • Let a story & subject evolve
  • And remember that it is life relationship

Regarding the movie Into The Wild, my advice, watch it!

Go discover!


Deep Vs Hyper Attention

Based on the text we were given, I can conclude that deep attention is when someone only able to concentrate on a single things they do, for example reading a book without any interference and be able to stay there for quite some long times. He or she is able to ignore all outside interference and prefer to be focus on one single major project he or she is working on.

Meanwhile hyper attention is basically characterized by the ability to switch focus rapidly. The easiest example I can give is when you are play a video games while be able to talk with your friends at the same time. These type of people usually are multitasking, means they can do two or three works at the same period of time.

From what I have observed within myself, I am practically more into deep attention person. I found it is hard for me to get my works or assignments done when there are someone around. I need to stay focus within one work and when I got the jobs done, then only I can switch to any other tasks.

So, where do you fall in? Deep or hyper?

Look within and figure it yourself.


First Week. Well Hello RMIT!

My first day here in RMIT was a little bit confusing since I have to figure out where is the lecture hall just depending on the Campus Maps provided. As I entered Building 80, I was amazed by how beautiful and magnificent it was. Somehow I do feel proud and happy to be here in RMIT.

As I entered the hall alone, I set all my bag and books properly preparing for the lecture. Trying to act cool (which definitely I failed to do so), I try to approach some of the students sitting next to me. I was afraid of not being accepted by them but luckily I found that they are nice actually. We introduced ourselves and do some a little bit of kind of small ice breaking sessions, just to know each other before the lecture starts. Personally I do wonder on how the teaching method would be like in here since I am an international students and definitely it’s definitely going to be different from the college I was from.

As the lectorial goes on, I found it was very unique since almost all the lecturers teaching this Media course are in the same room with all of us. Media 1 lectorial was fun with a little bit of introductions and jokes to makes us feel welcomed. We were then asked to set up a blog for our courses. Well, as a media students and as a media practitioners going to be, we were thought that most of the time your work going to be publicly viewed, and with this blog, I do personally believe that it is one way to convey what you want to say, what do you think, what you can improve or in a simple terms, a reflections on what you have learned and practiced.

Questions that kept popping out of my mind is how do I start. Blogging is not something new for me since I used to have a blog way back when I was in high school, which is around almost 10 years ago. And the other thing is, what should I write about? Should it be formal? Informal? Should I keep it simple or just should it be like an academic writing essay? I am not a big fans of writing and I will take it as challenge and as one ways to improve myself in writing.

Being a international students is challenging since I have to adapt myself with different cultures and environment. The first week is always difficult as I need to adjust myself with the people surrounds. As time goes by, I believe that I can gain as much as I want in this media industry and hopefully be able to practice it back in Malaysia.
