Lectorial #3

“You are wrong if you think that the joy of life comes principally from the joy of human relationships.”

Christopher McCandless, Into The Wild (2007)


Have you ever wonder how wonderful and beautiful world is? Have you ever traveled to some place just to experience what it looks like and how different people from different place can treat you?

Kyla Brettle, one of the lecturers in Media course in RMIT were invited into our lectorial today. I found it interesting to listen to what she had deliver entitled ‘Entering Other World’. Being in other’s place, other’s environment, other’s culture can be a life changing experiences, as she said. I personally believe that being in others can shape up our life and the way we think. I traveled to United State of America back in 2008 when I was 18 years old and what I can say is it is totally worth it. The experiences i gained through out a year there was something unforgettable. Being in totally new world, I explore something which I don’t even know before. Give and take, being honest and try to learn what other side of the world can offer to you. I mean, if you want to learn something, go explore. Discover new thing is not something bad instead you will be amaze with what the world could offer.

She advices :

  • Explore something you don’t know
  • Observe yourself
  • Observe on location
  • Become one with technology
  • Let a story & subject evolve
  • And remember that it is life relationship

Regarding the movie Into The Wild, my advice, watch it!

Go discover!


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