Seminar 1 – NON FICTION 22/08/2014

Seminar 1 –  Non Fiction 22/08/2014

I really enjoyed this seminar, but being the first one you can’t really criticise it and compare it to others. The people interviewed where great and they really tried to get involved. Genevieve Bailey was easily my favourite as she was very helpful in the way answered her questions. What stuck with me is when she told us that no matter what you enjoy what you do and you keep doing it.

Content: I believe the content was relevant and informative but it was very repetitive in the questions and the answers they were giving, which to the audience can be really frustrating.

Approach: Along with the content at times it was very engaging but after awhile it became very dull in the way it was presented.

Theme & Staging: The theme was very simple but it was a very clean look. They used 3 stools for the people they interviewed and a stool for the host. They didn’t have much decoration or set design, but I feel their main intention was creating a basic interviewing experience. They didn’t use a stage it was on the flat ground.

Promotion: I feel we can’t really down grade them as they were the first group and not much promoting of the event was given.

I do have some negatives. It was unbelievably dark and at times the questions were very repetitive. It became dull that when I was on my phone that’s when realized I wasn’t paying anymore attention to what the seminar had to offer. I had a scan of the room and found that I wasn’t the only one. Other than that it was very informative to see people who are passionate about what they do tell us what is important in making a film and how to start.

I would overall give them a D simply because you can’t really compare them to anyone else and it did do everything that was required.

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