Blog #13: Finding film inspirations and Finalisation.

When it comes to, isolation – a clearly ‘dark’ theme. It’s actually, a pretty complicated specific theme to portray on camera. There are certain different assumptions and point of views we can take of isolation that was difficult for my group to decide on –  from being isolated, an isolated place or witnessing an isolated person. Due to the nature of experimental videos that already is out of spontaneity, we decided to focus the whole project on a certain character, which is one of our group member, Meita and focusing on her experiences being ‘isolated’.

Besides that, because of the workload that my group and I had over the past few days and trying to do this project collaboratively, at the same time. We decided to divide the work equally. Sem and Samantha enjoy filming and has the most experience in that field as well, so they will predominantly help our group in that part, whilst Meita is the main subject in our project as she is the focus and character our narrative is formed within. Since I am not too proficient in media production or filming, I mentioned that I really enjoy the technical side of the project and have an interest in programming. So, I was happy to volunteer to work on designing the Korsakow project. Even though we all have separated workload, all of us managed to still be involved in every step of each different parts of work and learned from each other throughout the project.

For the general media production: All of us started collecting our media fragments starting off, filming a few timelapse as it is the longest one to film and then going forward from there to filming videos, stop motions and slow motions. Most of our clips were inspired by a Youtube video about depression and anxiety, we wanted to explore this project utterly out of experimental videos and clips. So, our project collated most clips or media fragments out of genuine spontaneity and/or came across it unintentionally through various inspirations we researched.

These are some inspirations we found and the resulted media fragments we gathered, along with some that didn’t work:

For the design in Korsakow, I created it going through back and forth, drawing inspirations from The Whole Picture by Tony Nelson. As discussed in my group’s discussion, Sem, Samantha, Meita and I agreed to design the project where it has a start and end. But, whatever is within it depends on the user’s interaction with the project. I categorised the keywords to match or describe the type of media fragments that our group have collected namely, video, timelapse and stopslow. The opening of the project acts as an umbrella of our theme and introduction of the character with the quote that says: “I feel as if I am made to understand, but not to be understood”.

Leading towards it are three different interfaces of three different media types. After that, the user will have the freedom to go through the project as it is with only one life and one ability to view each of the clips. Each of the experimental clips has its own interfaces to emphasise interactivity feature much more in our project. The different media fragments navigated or chosen by the user explains clearly what circumstances that our character – Meita is in, the noise she hears through the constant crowd noise but most importantly, the phrases intact with each clip that we design to act as a way to show the user what our character is thinking at that moment.

 We also talked about how our project possesses multi-linear narrative. Multi-linearity can be described as having multiple perceptions and our project involves exactly that, as right off the batch we are using Korsakow to present it.

In Korsakow, the story is not triggered by a narration or narrative it utilises the importance of databases, keywords and previews/thumbnails – as an interactive way of viewing a project. For our project, multi-linearity can be found because of the experimental approach to filmmaking we executed. Thus, the random collation of clips and its pure content which gives each of the clip to have a different meanings with no narration, as well as, it’s randomised categories of previews is the multi-linearity we put forward within our project.


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