Blog #24: Collaboration

This week there are no classes in uni and is the final week for the submission of our PB#4 in True To Form. Looking back, I actually have made quite a lot of work with many of my classmates in this studio.

Most of the time after Week 7’s Proposal and Pitch presentation, I have done a collaboration with one of my classmates, Grace. She and I have worked and helped each other out in order to film our respective individual project. She was actually one of the actors that played in one of my experiments in the beginning of the semester before my initial idea was being thought of and presented to the whole class on Week 7. She was actually also the one who suggested for me to use DSLR camera for this project. An advice, that I took throughout the semester and through the process of making this project and/or ‘series of experiments’ possible.

I think that the collaboration although, minimum and occasional occurrence in this studio, I have definitely learned a lot not only from Grace but all the other classmates and of course, Paul, who have been openly suggesting on helping out with production and post-production from the very beginning stages of approaching Project Brief #4. I developed my ideas further by looking at the inspiration outside and also inside our class, which I think was very helpful. Throughout this semester I’ve worked with Adelle, Eve, Eva and Grace, I developed my idea when we had a group exercise (with Adelle, Eve and Eva) and that was when I became intrigued with my own idea. Furthermore, I made an experiment and was given the helping hand of Grace with filming and playing a role, in my short experiment. As well as, my own friend, Meita, the girl in all of my final experiments who also collaborated most with me during the construction of putting my visions to real life.Being able to look at someone else’s work I feel like motivated me to be able to understand and give a little bit more effort for my own. Thus, the collaboration and work for this studio have definitely become something that was done together, even if, the final submission is submitted individually.

I have certainly also been aided and inspired by other classmates in the studio with their own respective work. This is because being able to look at someone else’s work results in me feeling motivated to be able to understand, research and give a little bit more effort for my own. Thus, the collaboration and work for this studio have definitely become something that was done together, even if, the final submission is submitted individually.

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