Blog #3: Everything is Portable(?) Let’s Reflect.

While, in my research, I talked about Youtube Red and its impact towards my television viewing habits. For this first practical test, my partner and I would like to be able to put more emphasis on this idea of Online media as easily accessible. We decided to undergo an experiment to show how simple the Online space can be accessed in various mainstream forms of technology and its Internet-driven feature/software dependency. Specifically, looking at the ability of social media as being a portable platform and space within the app, Instagram.

Since the Internet is such a huge landscape in itself, Instagram just became an instant and obvious choice to experiment on for this one. We found that Instagram was interesting because this particular social media app became a platform that we surround our lives with. For example, it is the first thing we check on our phone when we wake up and the last thing to check when we’re going to sleep, etc. Therefore, combining and exploring the idea of portability-ness of various devices that have Instagram on it, was an instant gratification. However, the portability-ness of this experiment actually meant something else. Here is how:

Our initial idea was we wanted to conduct three ‘screen tests’, that showed a screen recording of the same content in different displays of screens namely, iPhone, iPad and a laptop. Which then, responds to the idea of portability when accessing social media as it is accessed through various devices. Thus, gave easy accessibility, simply then = portability.

However, after re-evaluating our experiment I found ‘portability’ lies not just in the aspect of different technology but also, in the Online screen media itself (Instagram). This is because, as someone who never really pay attention to Instagram when it is used by a different consumer, let alone, be filmed doing it, I never realise how easy or convenient it was for me to navigate things on Instagram, fast, even in a completely different device. So when I did, through this test, I realised the existence of different formats/appearance the app has on different devices. The fact that they make sure that they fit into various devices/ screens to allow active engagement between the app and its consumer. For example, from the screen tests: yes Instagram on iPad and iPhone is as of the same or similar format and a laptop may not be that big of a deal, but how about an Apple watch?

I found this concept quite interesting as I watch my partner switching device to device and navigating through Instagram without thinking what button does what. As a result, brought me to question whether every aspect of Online Media will function this way? Will it shift in a way that I can access it everything through anything? Thus, will every facet of life be augmented just because everything, CAN be portable?

Is everything portable? Will it be?

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