Blog #21: Yet, another Angle and Post-production experiment

This week, I have filmed another round of experiment and plan to again edit another part of my idea with a different approach.

From the last experiment that I did, some footages were what I have envisioned but it wasn’t as best as I wanted them to look like. This is caused by some lighting mistakes that I made, inconsistent camera framing (such as, inappropriate focus and exposure, etc.) and audio. So this week, I have decided to film another round to give it another try.

Still looking for the same if not similar objectives in which is a variety of camera angles with the same action – in this case, ‘walking to a park and sitting on a bench’. But, with a more vivid intention and an idea of what exactly I am looking for, here is what I collated together:

From the last post, I have mentioned doing more of small post-production experiments in which I incorporate in this experiment. I used the stop-motion animation and filmed some scenes that were inspired from the movie ‘500 Days of Summer’. The only thing that kept on bugging me while editing was that I wasn’t able to shoot ‘transitional’ scene. As a result, when editing some scenes together I used a blank ‘black’ transition to separate the sequences and thus, I wasn’t as satisfied as I could have been because of the fact that it could not be a complete one sequence. Along with, the audio that also became a huge problem for me. Audio for the past experiments has been a huge problem for me because it sometimes confuses the way I look at the sequence if the original audio was still attached. This leads to me deciding to mute all of my audio recordings for all of my sequences or experiments that I have done since Week 7 (if not, the very beginning I made this idea).

But, although it was not perfect, I was able to minimise as many flaws as possible then the last experiment I did and I went out on the field knowing what I was looking for. Since I did some research a couple of days before from the movie ‘500 days of summer’, it helped me envisioned what I wanted my experiment to look like for this week getting near to Week 12. I still hope to at least be able to come back to where I filmed – ‘Lincoln Square’ – once more to be able to record some atmosphere sound or audio recordings to be able to experiment even further before the actual assessment submission on Week 13.

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