Blog #15: Confirming Location

This week, I have been trying to put my idea altogether again. Although, I had a rough patch starting off because I didn’t know how to approach my idea exactly. I decided to roam around the city of Melbourne, specifically, on the Carlton suburb area.

From the last post, this location I am going to go in detail about has been mentioned. This location is the ‘Lincoln Square’. This location was one of the locations that I felt more comfortable filming in. This is because filming in Lincoln Square was not only convenient but also, is not too crowded. I felt like when scouting for locations the past few weeks, it was difficult to find one that has a good open space, not too crowded areas and good lighting or exposure from the sun (since it is an outdoor filming).





During my first visit in Lincoln Square, I had already visualised what I wanted to film with my focus or subject – in this case, the actor. The main objective was ‘to get as much camera angles shots as possible’, I have envisioned some actions in a specific area of the park where my character could sit on this specific bench.

The action that I am trying to aim for is as simple as walking to a park and sitting on a bench. It might sound simple but the main idea behind this simple project was to capture a simple action in a short sequence in a variety of different angles and learn the little elements that could impact a shot in a film. Thus, to acknowledge frame, lighting, exposure, space, background, zoom, etc. in every shot.

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