Blog #11: Week 6 Planning for Pitch

For the start of Week 6, our class or studio really focused on and consulted with Paul thoroughly since Week 7 is fastly approaching. Some of the things we did for this week Tuesday and Thursday classes includes creating a project proposal and sharing to our friends for them to ‘present’ it in front of the other classmates.

Paul divided us into several groups this week and had me in a group with Reza and Sem. We basically had to give each other’s idea of what the Project Brief #4 would look like and what we’re going to share on Week 7’s pitch and presentation. Then, one of us will present one of the group members’ ideas to the whole class and Paul. But first, Paul had us to answer and write three main questions, such as, what are you interested in and why?, what you will be investigating? and the vehicle with which you are to do it.

Here are my answers:

What you are interested in and why?

For this project, I am interested in doing an investigation on what camera angles symbolises in the process of filmmaking. I wanted to explore the ways in which a camera technique or element like a ‘camera angle’ could affect a particular ‘action’ in the film. This is because like any camera techniques that is used in the process of production in filmmaking, a camera angle is as vital as anything else, to get the right kind of ‘frame’ in which incorporates a certain mode of expression of the particular subject (e.g. actor, object, etc.), is crucial for audiences to be able to engage in that particular scene (or shot). Thus I wanted to be able to explore this particular technique in which can incorporate a value or a meaning without storyline as a guide, so ‘true’ to itself.

What you will be investigating

I will be investigating if a camera angle can be used symbolically. Which means whether a certain shot in a specific ‘angle’ can be used to produce a meaning or value in filmmaking.

The vehicle with which you are to do it

The plan that I have for this particular project is to film a series of shots pointing into the same subject – in which will be an actor (as I have decided) – doing a certain simple action within a variety of camera angles. This action might incorporate the most random thing, it could be: walking to a park and sitting on a bench or getting into cars from a building or even going to the bathroom or lying on the grass – really anything that I find on the way. I haven’t made up my mind about which particular action I was going to focus on just yet, but, I have made up several experiments in which, explores the way I am going to approach my idea.

I will be using the DSLR canon 5d Mark IV as the production equipment for this experiment throughout the semester. The reason is because during these experiments I am aiming to get as much camera angle on my subject as much as possible to obtain more option in the editing suite after each experiment or production. By then, I will be able to hopefully find my answer whether a specific camera angle can symbolise a value in filmmaking.

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