On week 3, our studio did some writing exercise upon getting our ideas out for the final project. Paul gave us a sheet of paper and told us to write an action, a person doing this action and a location – simply, the place where the ‘action’ is taken place. After this exercise, Paul also told us to write our objective to what exactly we’re going to do for the Tuesday class in Week 4, where we’re going to go out on the field again and shoot our own individual idea that we have written, which could be anything.
Firstly, for the first exercise, I did a series of action – ten to be specific. It helped me portray an interesting thought of what could be an interesting action? Who would be doing it? and Where is this going to be?. Furthermore, Paul also showed us a video called ‘Observing Remains’, the documentary involved heaps of people focusing on one thing – which was the remains at a construction site, whilst thinking of various different thoughts. The one thing that I acquired from this video was how the filmmaker portrays it – it was unusual and unlike, anything I’ve ever seen before. Yet, it was fascinating filmmaking and film.
Then, Paul gave us another writing exercise – this time, it involved us digging into our ideas for what we were going to shoot on Tuesday the next week. He mentioned that we were going to be put in random groups to work together and collate either one (as an individual or group) idea that we’ve researched on over the weekend about any particular media production technique that we are interested in exploring. On the same sheet of paper, I wrote that I would like to film one action in different angles or shots that involve a simple ‘action’ that had a still shot. I was inspired by a scene on ‘Silver Linings Playbook’ that Paul showed us as well, where Bradley Cooper was reading a book and the cinematographer took various angles of him doing this ‘action’ leading up to the next scene. This to me was an interesting scene because it was a montage of the same action. Yet, it was still engaging.
Here are the shots:
Although, the idea that was stuck in my head when writing was a bit different from this scene, I still wanted to explore ‘angle’ as a camera technique further. My intention for the next exercise was simply, just being able to explore camera angles and capture a still shot within an open space whilst focusing on a specific person, thing, etc.