Index Cards


Today we were editing in edit suites, before we start editing we reviewed the footage we shot on Tuesday, everything seemed good and looked like we had what we wanted until we watched the interview footage. We had some major issue, we realised there was a lot of unnecessary background sound in the interview footage, such as buskers playing music, the sound of trolley being pushed by shoppers and sellers yelling out promoting their products.

We started editing and halfway through the day we had a rough cut, When Rohan watched our Rough edit, he was not happy, because the sound wasn’t quiet right, we didn’t have good content in our interview and we didn’t have enough cut away shots. We started editing from scratch with a new structure and we had to go to market again to get more establishing shots and more interview with Karl and Belinda.

We spent the rest of the day making index cards, an other great technique we learned from Rohan. Making index cards made it easier for us to edit and see what content we have. Index Cards is added to my knowledge database and I will use them in my future projects. Thanks to Rohan!

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