
Because of the availability of Belinda and Karl we were a week behind, It wasn’t their fault, it’s just that we had to get in contact with them a bit earlier. We were glad that Belinda and Karl were co prating very well with us filming around while their business is operating.

Anyway we were determined and focused to make up for the week we were behind, so we decided to come to uni today and organize our footage, so when we come next week we can start editing straight away.

We archived our video and sound footage, then started drafting how we are going to approach the edit process. We written down everyone’s idea in our group on post it notes and stick them on the wall. I had different ideas for this project such as using green screen and shooting in 4K but our time was limited.We all agreed that our video theme would be vintage because the American Donut Kitchen has a long history and vintage theme would suit our project.

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